Saturday, December 15, 2018

Goals for 2019

Tools:  I am looking at a couple of tools to purchase next year.  The first is a shop vac.  I really need to do some sort of dust collection.  I am also looking at a dust deputy to take care of a lot of the large shavings.  I am also looking at a jig saw.  I might just borrow one. I only need it for one project at this time. 
Projects:  I have two refurbish projects that I need to complete.  The first is a bench that goes to my son’s classroom.  It is something that was found on the side of the road.  It had been chewed up by a dog so the rough parts need to be sanded or replaced.  I will probably also refinish it.  I am excited about it because it is a nice piece made from solid oak.  The second is the toy wood oven I made a few years back.  I need to get it fixed up and donated. It was a fun project but it does not fit in the house anymore.
I also have the jewelry boxes that I have not finished yet.  This is one of those projects that is a goal this year to finish last year’s goals that I didn’t start the year before.  I have the tools and parts all cut out.  I have one more top to make and the groove the boxes.  I also have a couple of gifts for family that I need to make.  Not mentioned here because they are gifts.  On the last year’s goal list, I also need to make some camping boxes.
I have designed the next set of small vehicles. These are not as cost and labor focused than the other set but I am excited to make them.  They do require different thickness of wood.  I could not get around that.  I plan on making them in different colored wood this time to see if they sell better.
I would also like to do another class, possibly two, if people are interested.  I have not gotten any responses for the spring semester.  The goal is to take the class to the home school group.  I do have contacts; however there are things like insurance that I do need to check on.
Donations:  Since the toy drive is a big part of why I design and make toys I figured I would mention what I plant to make this year.  I am going to make another five sets of the small vehicles that I made last year.  I will also make five sets of this year’s small vehicles.  There are eleven different vehicles in this set.  I also plan on making five cradles and five rocking chairs.  This is a pretty big undertaking for this year.

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